Since 1995, the JFREJ community has gathered each year (with just two exceptions) at the Mazals to lift up the incredible vision, courage, and dedication of the people in our community and wider movement who’ve demonstrated — whether quietly behind the scenes, or loudly and proudly on the frontlines — creative and bold leadership. The Mazals is also a time and place for us to bask in the glow of our collective accomplishments and to ground ourselves in our love, respect, and admiration for one another.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 | 6:00-9:00PM

WHERE: 9 Bob’s Note
(270 Meserole St, Brooklyn, NY 11206)

Mazals Sponsors (list in progress)

Mike Abram & Vivian Garfein
Jen Abrams & Katherine Pradt
Sandra Abramson
Katherine Acey
Sonia Alexander
Liz Alpern & Shira Kline
Sarra, Alana, Aaren, Adina, Merrill & Gregg Alpert
Bradley Alter
Anita Altman
Joan Altman
Daniel Altschuler & Ana María Archila
Arielle Angel
Anonymous x9
Phyllis Arnold
Phil Aroneanu
Andrea Arzt & Walter Tegtmeier
Drs. Steve Auerbach & Karen Becker
Deborah Axt & Mik Moore
Amit Bagga
Maggie Ball
Robert Bank
Meg Barnette
Emily Bass
Janna Beckler
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Carly Benkov
Ilana Berger
Eileen Ruth Blank
Ricky Blum
Erika Blumberg
Naomi Braine & Margaret Reiff
Shifra Bronznick
Michèle Burger & Tom Cramer
CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
Council Member Tiffany Cabán
Amy Laura Cahn
Briana Carp
Sarah Chandler
Sally Charnow
Miriam Cohen & Stuart Kivelowitz
Stosh Cotler
Carlyn Cowen
Peter Cowen
Maya Crawford
Naomi Dann & Ben Wolcott
JD Davids & Winter Collins
suzi dessel
Danne Diamond
Janna Diamond
Megan Donovan
Paul Dryden
Sandi DuBowski & Eric Rockey
Mark Dyen & Beth Reisen
Michael Dyen
Susie Dyen
Cody Edgerly
Jesse Ehrensaft-Hawley
Rabbi Dr. Barat Ellman & Jay Golan
Sophie Ellman-Golan
Rebecca Ennen & Ari Weisbard
Assembly Member Harvey Epstein
Marla Erlien
Jeanette Estima
Steve Fahrer & Monona Yin
Michael Felsen
Laura Ferguson
Danielle Feris & Sarah Bernstein
Marc Fernandes & Ivette Rivera-Giusti
Margie Fine
Deirdre Fishel
ruth finkelstein & BC Craig
Sarah Sophie Flicker
Jennifer Flynn & Bela August Walker
Ellie Friedman & Jonathan Cohen 
Cristina Gallo
Paula Galowitz
Nell Geiser
Tavi Gevinson
Marsha Gildin
Rachel Glicksman
Sara Gold
Stefan Goldberg & Dawne Hood
Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg & Jim Talbott
Phyllis Teicher Goldman
Eve Goodman, Jonathan Hatch, & Simon Goodhatch
Ginna Green
Mickey Green
Cynthia Greenberg
David Greenberg & Sarit Golub
Kate Greenberg
Leah Greenberg
Corinne Greenblatt
Richard Greenspan
Meghan Grover
Sarah Gunther
Avigayil Halpern
Council Member Shahana Hanif
Jennifer S. Hirsch & John Santelli
Michael J. Hirschhorn & Jimena Martinez
Neal Hoffman & Andrew Ingall
Edward Hong
Howard Horowitz & Alisse Waterston
Claudia B. Horwitz
Avigail Hurvitz-Prinz
Betty Jane Jacobs
Rabbi David Jaffe & Janette Hillis-Jaffe
Meira Harris
Margo Flug Jhaveri
Greg & Maria Jobin-Leeds
Mariame Kaba
Rabbi Andrue Kahn
Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster & Paul Pelavin
Meredith Kane
Brian Kates & Jonathan Cohen
Donna Katzin & Alan Altschuler
Anne Kemper
Dove Kent & Theo Luebke
Pippi Kessler and Jules Skloot
Gayle Kirshenbaum & Ira Yankwitt
Estee Konor
Talia Kravitz
Joan A. Kuriansky
Jacob Labendz & Meg Kramer
Rachel Laforest & family
Mickey Lambert & Nina Callaway
NYC Comptroller Brad Lander
Bill Leavitt
Susan Lerner
Zachary Lerner & Asya Pikovsky
Mana Levine
Karen Levinson
Jeyn Levison
Yonah Lieberman
Rabbi Ellen Lippmann & Dr. Kathryn Conroy
Michael Ilan Loeb
Lura Long
Rebecca Lynch
Dr. Megan Pamela Ruth Madison
Elise & Nissa Mai-Rose
Tamika Mallory
Assembly Member Zohran Kwame Mamdani
Michael Mandel
Daniel David May
Gene McCullough & Cheryl Paradis
Rachel McCullough & Megan Paradis Hanley
Members of SAJ - Judaism that Stands for All
Miriam Messinger
Ruth W. Messinger & Andrew Lachman
Nancy Meyer
Ward Mintz
Joan Moriarty
Jessica Greer Morris
Nikki Morse & Em Rosenfield
Jesse Myerson
Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark & Alisa Solomon
David Neustadt
Donna Nevel
Franny Silverman Newman & Mike Newman
Eli Northrup
Lisa Ochs
Edafe Okporo
Alexis Ortiz & family
Alexandra Papadopoulos
Russell Pearce
Kathleen Peratis
Charlotte Phillips, M.D.
Karen Pittelman
Judith Plaskow & Martha Ackelsberg
Amy Plattsmier
Professional Staff Congress-CUNY
Ahmer Qadeer
Susan Quinn & Dan Jacobs
Rabbis for Ceasefire
Ethel Raim
Dania Rajendra
Jacob Remes & Mari Armstrong-Hough
Council Member Lincoln Restler
Rabbi Max Zev Reynolds
Rick Robbins
Dahlia Rockowitz
Jessica Roff
Assembly Member Jessica Gonzalez Rojas
Rachel Rosenbloom
Ava Rosenroth
Anya Stieber Rous
Bobbie Sackman
Yael Sacks
Yasmin Safdie & Deborah Lolai
State Senator Julia Salazar
Sam & Milo
Joanne Sandler & Ray Tekosky
Lani Santo and Nathan Ascher
Jay Saper
Linda Sarsour
Sydney Chiel Sasanow & Ethan Chiel
Audrey Sasson
Diane & Robert Sasson
Erika Sasson & Rabbi Misha Shulman
Donna Schaper & Warren Goldstein
Dana J. Schneider & Kathleen Pequeño
Donna Schneiderman & Mitchell Drach
Molly Schulman
Cantor Lisa B. Segal & Ari Strimling
Shifra Sered
Dr. Susan & Yishai Sered
Lilach Shafir & Paco Abraham
Andrea Shapiro
Lucas Shapiro
Rebecca Shaw
Alice Shechter
Pamela Shifman & Lee Schere
Rafael Shimunov
Laura Shmishkiss
The Shoval & Manassah Families
Ilana Shushansky
Carolyn Silver & Alex Basson
Riva Silverman & Abram Heisler
Dara Silverman & Mary Sokolowski
Mae Singerman
Julie Slavet & John Walber
Meredith Slopen
Marilyn Sneiderman & Stephen Lerner
Naomi Sobel & Rabbi Becky Silverstein
Keren & Natasha Soffer-Roth
Bess Rothenberg
Laynie Soloman & Zahara Zahav
Paul Sonn
Brent Spodek
Jacob Stavis
Laura Talmus
Gabe Tobias
David Unger & Lauren Jones
Katie Unger
Laura & Nick Unger
K Viselman
Daniel Walber
Jennifer Wald
Josh Wallack
Rachel M. Weinstein
Noah Weiss
Jenna Weiss-Berman
Rabbis Alex Weissman & Adam Lavitt
Susan Weltman
Laura Wernick & Lori Brooks
Marilyn Williams
Elizabeth Wilson
Jessica Altagracia Woolford
Sondra Youdelman
Rye Young
Abdullah Younus
Gary & Michele Zaretsky
Allie Zeff
Karen Zelermyer & Tami Gold
Sarah Zelermyer-Diaz & Edwin Diaz
Eleni Zimiles
Simone Zimmerman
E.Y. Zipris and Ira Blumberg


Information about the Venue

Location: 9 Bob’s Note (270 Meserole St, Brooklyn, NY 11206)

Covid Safety:

  • The event will be held outdoors in a large enough space to spread out.
  • The entrance to the building and the restrooms are indoors. Masks are required in all indoor spaces. We will not be requiring masking in the outdoor space, though we encourage you to do so if that is more comfortable for you. 
  • We ask that everyone take a covid test on the day of the event and we will provide covid tests at the venue if you need. We ask that you stay home if you don’t feel well.

Rain Plan:

  • In the event of rain, we will be moving the event indoors and requiring masking. We are working with covid safety experts to maximize air purification and air flow in the indoor space. There will be limited outdoor and tented space for those who prefer to be outside. 


  • The venue is ADA accessible and has an ADA accessible restroom.
  • The venue is two blocks away from the closest train line and stop. We will provide ASL & Spanish translation during the event program. Please let us know if you require translation to other languages in order to participate.
  • The main program will be livestreamed 
  • JFREJ is committed to the safety of all of our guests. Just like at street actions, we will attempt to make sure that no one leaves the venue alone. We will arrange for guests to walk in groups and will provide buddies to accompany anyone walking to a car, car service or subway. 
  • The event is being held at a queer bar. In addition to a volunteer safety and security team arranged by JFREJ, the bar is providing traditional security. Please note that there are metal detectors at the entrance and that a bouncer will be checking IDs at the door. Unfortunately, there is not a workaround for these venue policies. We will have greeters and access support at the entrance to welcome you as you arrive.  
  • We will be providing childcare (more information to come for how to sign up for childcare). 


Click here to volunteer at The Mazals!